23 Feb

Many people confuse CBD with marijuana.  Though it is processed from the same plant, the two differ.  Whereas CBD is used for medicinal values, people often use cannabis as a drug. The use of CBD for meditational purposes is one area that has brought endless debate.  Several studies have been taken to figure out the benefits of using CBD oil.  Below are some of the proven benefits of using CBD oil.

CBD Causes Anti-Psychotic Effects

Several studies carried out on different subjects proved that CBD oil could be used to cure schizophrenia. For example, a study carried out in 2012 on nineteen schizophrenic students produced the following results. Out of the nineteen children, sixteen were completely cured of schizophrenia. This represented 84% of the correspondents. Such a figure only serves to compound the fact that CBD oil has great medicinal value.

CBD Reduces Anxiety

The major cause of anxiety disorders is THC. THC also amplifies anxiety when used by a person with anxiety disorders. A recent research conducted by Neurotherapeutics claimed that the use of CBD oil might help reduce these anxieties. The research went on to point out that, CBD reduces post-traumatic stress, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and general anxiety disorder.  The review recommends that more research should be carried out to clear any lingering doubts.

CBD is a Cure for Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is caused by inflammation. The immune system attacks the cells in the kidney rendering them weak. Continued attack on the kidney cells leads to kidney failure. When the kidney fails, the body is unable to secrete insulin. Continued lack of insulin causes type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is more common in kids than in adults. A severe life-long condition which is responsible for many deaths. A publication by the Clinical Hemorheology and microcirculation claimed that CBD reduces inflammation in the kidney. Read what sclerosis is or check out migraine treatment using CBD.

Reduces Acne

The Journal of Clinical Investigations found out that CBD oil could be used to reduce acne. Acne is caused by inflammation of sebaceous glands. Moreover, when the glands are overworked acne might start to appear. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect on the body, CBD could be used to cure and prevent acne. Furthermore, it reduces the production of sebum, which causes acne. CBD is efficient in curing the most common type of acne.

Although the use of cannabis is illegal in some countries, there is no denying the fact that it is a very good medicine. It can be used both as a curative or preventive medicine as pointed out in these benefits.

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